ABEY 2.0 – Redefining the GameFi Chain

May 4, 2022

ABEY 2.0 – Redefining the GameFi Chain

The race to build the best public blockchain took off in 2018.  3 years later, 2021 is being dubbed the “First year of the public chain” by the industry. For a while, hundreds of public chain projects have emerged around the world to compete. In 2021, with Grayscale Capital’s and Elon Musk endorsing cryptocurrency, the market ushered in an unimaginable bull market. Although the market has been stirred up by capital, industry insiders are still full of concerns about the future of blockchain. After all, only a fundamental breakthrough in the basic cores of the technology can truly break the shackles of the past. The public chain is the key to all decentralized applications. The well-known brands of BTC and ETH are all public chains. Tracing back, the competition of public chains has been between ETH and others. However, deep-rooted problems with the ETH chain have gradually surfaced. Due to performance bottlenecks, it is becoming more and more difficult to meet the needs of today’s Decentralized Applications, or DApp’s. This article will take ABEY – the exemplar of the new generation of public chains to dive into the correct direction of development in the blockchain world – from the perspectives of technological innovation and meeting demands of today’s Dapps.

Solving the “impossible triangle”

The public chain is the underlying foundation for blockchain applications. It is like an open-source Android or iOS operating system in a mobile phone. Only a solid, stable and efficient platform can be truly adopted by the mainstream world.

However, public chains have always been unable to avoid the “impossible triangle” – that is, security, decentralization and scalability cannot be achieved at the same time. From Bitcoin to Ethereum, to ETH 2.0, high hopes of solving the triangle has not been effective. Developers have explored and experimented around the issue from many angles. However, no perfect solution has been found.

With EOS, people once again gained confidence in public chain development. EOS relied on its  experience and lessons learned from ETH, and set up super nodes to increase efficiency of operation. Although its “over-centralized” design has been criticized, EOS does have its advantages. However, after its main net went live, not much has happened since.

EOS is indeed far more efficient than Ethereum, as EOS relies on a consensus mechanism that is completely different from Ethereum and Bitcoin. Both Ethereum and Bitcoin implement the PoW consensus, while EOS uses DPoS (delegated proof of stake). The core of the difference between the two lies in efficiency and decentralization. Under the PoW mechanism, it takes 10 minutes for Bitcoin to generate a block; and under the DPoS mechanism, EOS can produce a block every 0.5 seconds.

Right now, the development of public chains is faced with a few technical bottlenecks: loss of developers, chaotic governance, and lack of capital. With the arrival of ABEY 2.0, enthusiasts are expecting a new era of public chain development.

Transaction Per Second (TPS)

Throughout history, the development of public chains has always been in a vicious circle of contradiction. On the one hand, blockchain technology is developing rapidly, but after nearly ten years of exploration, a large-scale application was never brought to day light. The main reason is that there is no public chain strong and fast enough to keep up with the increasing demands.

The public chain serves as the underlying infrastructure for various DAPP applications. Killer applications can only be bred and sustained by high-speed structures. It is the cornerstone of the blockchain industry.

In order to further improve TPS, the ABEY 2.0 public chain aims to overcome the limit on the number of BFT nodes. Test data shows that the ABEY 2.0’s current TPS can meet the most demanding needs of market applications (1500 TPS). Upon grading to data sharding in the near future; the peak speed will never be less than 10,000 TPS. The high performance of ABEY 2.0 at 10,000 TPS has laid a solid foundation for the large-scale blockchain applications.

Technological breakthroughs of ABEY 2.0

  1. ABEY 2.0 optimized the AVM: ABEY 2.0 added the EVM-LIKE virtual machine (VM for short), to supports more efficient smart contracts. The ABEY 2.0 virtual machine integrates Ethereum’s EVM and ABEY’s VM , collectively referred to as AVM virtual machines.
  2. The optimized gas pricing mechanism of ABEY 2.0 will prompt creation of a “gas futures market” in the near future;
  3. ABEY 2.0’s ADB can adopt a distributed solution, which could divide file data into several small pieces of data through the Merkel Tree (Merkel tree), saves them to multiple peers, and restores them through the peers pointed to by the node file.

About ABEY: ABEY is an international public blockchain platform and the preferred blockchain protocol for GameFi applicaitons. ABEY aims to create a multi-layered, fast, programmable blockchain protocol to support an system with massive transaction throughput. The project was officially released on July 30, 2018, and has accumulated more than 150,000 users worldwide.

Concluding remarks

There are many opportunities in the crypto world. But not many big ones until the ABEYCHAIN. We believe that innovative public chains like ABEYCHAIN, have the opportunity to become one of the biggest opportunities in the near future, not only for investors and the financial community, but for mankind.

This is an industry worth over one trillion dollars. Not only it provides the underlying infrastructure for DApps and decentralized finance, but will also support our society and the world in general from potential users from many other industries and unlimited real world applications. With the expansion of network effects, blockchain will become stronger than ever. Among all the public chains out there, ABEYCHAIN and ABEY 2.0 is the crown jewel of them all.










然而公链的发展一直绕不开“不可能三角”的困扰,即安全性、去中心化和可扩展性三者不可兼得。从比特币到以太坊,再到被寄予厚望但还未实现的ETH 2.0,底层公链领域进行了多次迭代。人们围绕中心化与去中心化的均衡、处理业务速度的高低、安全性这个“不可能三角”展开了探索与实验。然而,一直没有找到完美的解决方案。

随着之后EOS的问世,让人们对公链的发展再次充满了信心。EOS 凭着后发优势,吸取了 ETH 在共识方面的经验教训,又设置了侧链和超级节点,虽然其“过分中心化”设计备受诟病,但在运行速度和效率方面 EOS 确实有其优势。然而在其主网上线后,也随即不了了之。







ABEY 2.0公链为了进一步提高TPS,克服BFT节点数量限制。相关测试数据显示目前ABEY 2.0TPS可满足当前市场应用的需求(1500 TPS),在公网分布式节点环境下,峰值速度不小于1500/秒。ABEY 2.0的高效能为区块链大规模应用打下了坚实的基础。很快,ABEY即将引入Sharding(分片)的处理方法,届时TPS将达到10000+以上。

ABEY 2.0的技术突破

1ABEY 2.0优化的虚拟机AVMABEY 2.0添加EVM-LIKE虚拟机(简称VM),同时支持效率更高的系统合约,ABEY 2.0的虚拟机集合了以太坊的EVMABEYVM,统称为AVM虚拟机。


3ABEY2.0abeyDB可以采用分布式方案,把数据通过Merkel Tree(默克尔树)的方法把文件数据分割成若干块小数据,保存到多个Peers上,通过node指向的peers来还原该文件(即根部寻找枝部)等。



公链越到后面,其网络效应的力量越大,它的吞噬力也越大。这是一个至少万亿美元级别以上的领域。因为它不仅可以提供DApp、开放金融等基础设置需求,而且天然具备货币的基础属性,这会赋予它货币溢价。这意味着它跟单纯的数字货币不一样,它除了共识的支撑之外,还会有现金流、使用场景等支撑。随着网络效应的提升,这个领域会越来越强。ABEY 2.0则是这当中的佼佼者。