InterWorld Metaverse Team Unveils Litepaper on

Aug 14, 2023

The InterWorld Metaverse team is thrilled to announce the publication of its Litepaper, available now on This document sheds light on the depth and breadth of the InterWorld metaverse, a captivating 3D virtual world built on the Abey blockchain and powered by AIGC (AI Generated Content).

Diving deep into a digital universe constructed atop Unreal Engine 5, InterWorld is not just another virtual space. It is a meticulously crafted parallel universe where users can live, work, and revel in breathtaking virtual reality.

Own the Experience: At the heart of InterWorld, users have the privilege to gain citizenship. By acquiring land PLOTs and structures, they embrace a host of rights and privileges. The dynamic economy of InterWorld allows users to earn a daily income simply by staying active and making the most of countless opportunities. Additionally, the world offers a platform for creators and developers to craft, share, and profit from their own unique creations.

Detail-rich Customizations: InterWorld delivers unmatched customization for users. Whether it’s building structures for living, working, or entertainment, or acquiring assets like furnishings, cars, boats, helicopters, and jets, the virtual world is teeming with amazing interactable and transferable assets.

Unlimited Business Opportunities: As InterWorld’s user base expands, businesses can unlock infinite opportunities to advertise, set up shops, and offer services. From e-commerce, meetings and events, training and education, sports, music, art, health/wellness, fitness, and virtually any product or service imaginable, InterWorld is reshaping how people will connect, interact and how businesses will operate in the future. The possibilities are infinite.

The Vision of InterWorld:

InterWorld is a vast digital frontier that not only offers a vast number of experiences, fine-tuned to individual needs with AI-assisted content creation.

– AIGC – (AI Generated Content)
– Integrated Virtual Shopping & E-commerce
– State-of-the-art Virtual Office Suites
– Events and Meeting Spaces
– Cutting-edge, AI-powered Education
– Engaging Gaming Experiences
– Virtual Health & Wellness Platforms

Join the revolution and explore the future, today. For more details, visit

About InterWorld:

InterWorld is a groundbreaking virtual space where users and businesses come together in a three-dimensional, AI-powered digital universe, built on the Abey blockchain, InterWorld is where the real and virtual worlds converge in breathtaking, vivid realism.


InterWorld元宇宙团队的Litepaper现已在主页正式发布。此份文档详尽地阐述了InterWorld – 一个构建于 Abey 区块链,并支持AIGC(AI 生成内容)的 3D元宇宙应用中的各项具体功能以及发展愿景。


在Unreal Engine 5的支持下,InterWorld定位为一个与人工智能技术紧密结合、并可与现实世界完美结合的元宇宙应用,旨在带来令人震撼的用户体验。

深入体验:在 InterWorld 中,用户可以获得公民身份。一旦购买土地和建筑,用户便可享有一系列公民权益。在 InterWorld 的经济系统中,只要用户保持活跃并充分参与各项活动,即可持续获得稳定日常收益。此外,InterWorld同时也是一个为各路内容创作者和开发者展示与分享独特创意的平台。


无穷的商业机会:随着更多用户加入 InterWorld,商家可以找到无尽的机会来推广、建立商店以及提供各种商业服务。从电子商务到各种线上活动、培训、体育、音乐、艺术和健康等垂直领域,InterWorld 正在定义未来的商务互动方式。


InterWorld 带来的不仅仅是完美的虚拟体验,并可在 AI (人工智能)技术的辅助下为每个用户带来度身定制的体验。目前功能包括:

– AIGC – (人工智能生成内容)
– 一体化的虚拟购物与电子商务功能
– 网络虚拟办公室
– 为线上活动与会议设计的专属空间
– 以AI人工智能为核心技术的教育平台
– 沉浸式的游戏体验
– 虚拟健康咨询平台


